


  1. 下載 字型壓縮檔 (.zip)。
  2. 解壓縮字型。
  3. 在開始選單中搜索“Font”,或轉到開始→控制面板→外觀和個性化→字體。
  4. 選擇所有字體並將其拖動到“Fonts”資料夾中。


  1. 下載 字型壓縮檔 (.zip)。
  2. 點2下解壓縮字型。
  3. 點2下字型檔,再點選「安裝」即可安裝進mac系統。


  • Command-line:
    cd ~/Downloads # or wherever you downloaded a font pack.
    unzip <font package>.zip
    # for a single user
    mkdir -p ~/.fonts
    cp *ttf ~/.fonts
    fc-cache -f -v # optional
    # for all users
    sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/fonts/opentype/jasonfonts
    sudo cp *ttf /usr/share/fonts/opentype/jasonfonts
    sudo fc-cache -f -v # optional
  • Gnome desktop for a single user
    1. Download and uncompress a font package
    2. Make .fonts directory in your home directory if it’s not present.
    3. Make a folder named “noto” (optional)
    4. Drag and drop fonts to either .fonts or .fonts/noto
  • Gnome desktop for all users
    1. Download and uncompress a font package
    2. Press Alt-F2 and type “gksu nautilus /usr/share/fonts
    3. Make a folder named “opentype” if not present and open it
    4. Make a folder “noto” in “opentype” folder.
    5. Drag and drop fonts obtained in step a to “noto” folder.
  • Using fonts
    1. Some programs will recognize newly installed fonts as soon as font-cache is updated. It can take a while to update the fontcache in case of super-otc.
    2. Other programs such as Chrome requires restart.
    3. Chrome on Linux cannot recognize more than 2 weights. See http://crbug.com/368442